Comment le régime et l’entraînement de Jeff Cavaliere peuvent optimiser votre forme physique

Il y a une chose la plus importante dans tout régime alimentaire, c’est la nutrition. Afin d’obtenir un corps déchiqueté et musclé, vous devez créer un régime alimentaire efficace. La Régime de Jeff Cavaliere comprend 6 repas sains de la journée. Les repas maintiennent son métabolisme élevé. Cela aide à rester maigre environ un an.

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Alors ici, vous pouvez lire en profondeur sur Jeff Cavalièrel’entraînement et son alimentation, alors sachons-en plus sur lui.

Qui est Jeff Cavalière ?

Jeff Cavaliere est un entraîneur personnel et une influence sur les médias sociaux de profession. Il est né et a grandi dans le Connecticut, aux États-Unis d’Amérique. Il était le physiothérapeute en chef de l’équipe de baseball professionnelle de New York.

Chaque fois qu’il regarde des films d’action et voit Arnold Schwarzenegger. Il est devenu plus attiré par la musculation. Il s’intéressait à la forme physique alors il a décidé d’aller avec la physioneurobiologie à l’université.

Aujourd’hui, Jeff est devenu une personne célèbre et connue dans l’industrie du fitness grâce à ses connaissances sur le fitness et la musculation. Donjon[ reading to know about his training and diet regime.

  • Nationality: American
  • Profession: Personal Trainer and Social Media Star
  • Date-of-Birth: June 28, 1975

Here is Jeff’s Instagram profile @athleanx

When he was in high school, He doesn’t start weight lifting or bodybuilding. Whenever there are sports classes, He knows that if we want a great physique, Then we have to give our time to the gym and training. By this, He can also boost his baseball and soccer skills.

He started to gain muscles and got a bigger body. He also worked hard at the sports level because he used to play high-level sports.

After he completed his high school education, He goes to college. He enrolled at the University of Connecticut for Physioneurobiology. It was his dream degree or you can say his passion. He studied hard to get his master degree.

“I grew up an avid Mets fan. I lived and breathed the team and watched every inning of every game all the way through college.” – Jeff Cavaliere

He gives workout advice to other fresher who wants to build his career as a bodybuilder. After some years, He promoted his workout guide. He also got a chance to work with elite athletes, such as Rafael Nadal, David Beckham, David Wright, and Terrell Owens.

Lire le sujet :  Comment le plan d'entraînement et le régime alimentaire de Kai Greene peuvent vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs physiques

He got big success by working with popular athletes. He becomes a famous and valuable person in the fitness industry. He develops his unique training regime known as Athlean-X. People knew him by his nickname.

Jeff Cavaliere Accomplishment

Qualified Education

  • BA Physioneurobiology – University of Connecticut
  • Physical Therapy Masters Degree – University of Connecticut
  • Strength & Conditioning Specialist – NSCA

Working Experience

  • Head Physical Therapist & Assistant Strength Coach – New York Mets
  • Writer for Men’s Fitness
  • Founder of a fitness company (Athlean-X)

Jeff is a self-taught fitness sensation. He worked hard to get a massive physique. He was also an Entrepreneur. He has his own brand that tells people about fitness training guides. He is also a writer who writes about men’s fitness.

Also Read: Mark Felix Diet and Workout Routine

Jeff Cavaliere Body Measurements

Height 5’8″ (172.5cm)
Weight 185 – 195lbs (83.9 – 88.5kg)
Arm Will Get Soon
Chest Will Get Soon
Waist Will Get Soon
Thighs Will Get Soon

If we want to have a good physique body then we need to concentrate on our diet and workout. He follows his diet plan and workout very strictly. We have to avoid processed foods from our diet and only focus on fresh and clean foods.

If you want to have a healthy body then you have to control the food that you eat. That means you have to eat healthy food that gives your body healthy macronutrients like protein, carbs, and fats. You need to maintain the balance between them.

Jeff Cavaliere Diet

If we see the facts about diet, Our health depends on two things. The first one is, What type of diet we take every day. The second thing is that what type of exercise we do in our daily routine.

You need to take care of calories in your diet plan and many factors like macros protein, carbs and fiber. You must need to know that eating and sleeping is the most important activity in fitness and healthy life.

He plans his diet like Diet includes all macros like lean proteins, fruit & vegetables, and complex carbs. Jeff takes his macros in a moderate way. He also cuts his carbs sometimes when his body reacts to them. Jeff added protein shake to his diet to overcome his daily fuel need. Let’s have a look at Jeff Cavaliere diet.

  • Meal 1: Pumpkin oatmeal, Scrambled eggs & salsa, Skimmed Milk, Kiwi slices
  • Meal 2: Protein shake with a banana and strawberries
  • Meal 3: Cajun grilled chicken wrap with grilled vegetables, sun-dried tomatoes and hot sauce, Greek yoghurt and Sparkling water
  • Meal 4: Black bean, vegetables and onion soup and Sparking water
  • Meal 5: Sesame tuna steak, Grilled cajun asparagus, Sweet potato mash and Sparkling water
  • Meal 6: Protein shake
Lire le sujet :  Découvrez le régime et l'entraînement d'Austin Ekeler

Jeff has enough knowledge of nutrition and diet. He can capable that create an effective diet for his body. If you see in his diet, You can judge that he takes protein shakes, chicken, vegetables and eggs that have rich protein.

If we see in his beverage choice then you can notice in diet chart. He always drinks sparkling water. He drinks it without adding any flavors to it.

‘Don’t ignore your nutrition and certainly don’t ignore the opportunities you have to provide your body with that nutrition at the right time.’ 

Jeff Cavaliere Workout

Avant de commencer la routine d’exercices ou entraînement routine, assurez-vous de rester hydraté pendant les séances d’entraînement en buvant de l’eau ou des boissons énergisantes. Et n’oubliez pas de vous échauffer en faisant de l’exercice et assurez-vous de vous rafraîchir en étirant vos muscles, car cela vous aide à faire un entraînement ou un exercice sans blessure.

Entraînement de la poitrine

Tous les exercices avec 3-4 séries et 6-15 répétitions. Vous pouvez vous reposer entre les exercices.

  • Développé couché haltères
  • Câble horizontal ou croisement de bande
  • Banc incliné
  • Baisse pondérée
  • Pompes pondérées
  • Pompes croisées en bande

Entraînement du dos

  • Soulevés de terre d’échauffement
  • Tractions pondérées
  • Pullups à prise large
  • 2-3 séries et 10-12 répétitions : Barbell Dead Rows
  • 2-3 séries et 10-12 répétitions : Rangée de câble haute alternée
  • Barbell Shrug Échelle


Ce n’est pas facile de devenir comme lui du jour au lendemain. Mais il lui a fallu beaucoup d’années de lutte pour obtenir des physiques comme il en a aujourd’hui. Nous pouvons évaluer après avoir examiné Jeff Cavalière diète et Jeff Cavalière entraînement que si nous voulons être comme lui, nous devons travailler dur pour cela et sa routine quotidienne nous inspire et nous motive à avoir un corps sain.

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